Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thank You Mr. President

Today we got a new president. I was filled with a million emotions including excitement, fear, pride, and sadness. While watching George Bush walk out during the inauguration, I had no idea that I would become so emotional. This sadness for the loss of a president turned into anger as people around me started making degrading remarks towards the soon to be former president. I cried and cried and cried. It was not fair.

I know many do not agree with the decisions Bush made over his 8 years in office, but the guy still deserves respect. He was after all our president and leader. I hate how so many go by what the media says and do not dig to find the truth for themselves. I hate how society blames so much on one person when that person had no control over the situation.

I decided to research the good things Bush has done for our country. I was surprised, pleased, and proud of our past president. Here are some of the good things he has done for us:

-Proclaimed a National Day of Prayer during his first month in office.
-Airline safety
-Sent military to Afghanistan, dismantled the Taliban and liberated 25 million people
-Established Office of Homeland Security
-Signed the Pledge of Allegiance Bil reaffirming "One Nation under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance and "In God we Trust" as the National Motto.
-Initiated military with Iraq dismantling the Saddam Hussein regime, liberating 22 million people.
-Amber Alert Bill
-Passed more Pro-life bills than any other president
-Called for Constitutional Amendment protecting marriage
-Established faith-based programs
-He gives God the glory

These are just a few. The guy had 2 hard terms. A lot of the things that happened were out of his control. Do I agree with everything he did? No. I just wish people would give him a little more respect, that's all. I can't imagine being briefed EVERY MORNING on the threats our nation faced. What a drag! That's not something I would want to wake up to. I loved the line in Bush's farewell speech when he said:

You may not agree with some tough decisions I have made. But I hope you can agree that I was willing to make the tough decisions.

And that's what I admire about Bush- he tried his best. I hope in the future, people will look back and see that Bush wasn't all that bad. I also hope Obama receives respect. He is our president, our leader, and he now bears the weight of the world on his shoulders.

So now I'm done venting. I would like to say Thank You Mr. President Bush for doing your best and Thank You Mr. President Obama for volunteering to lead our country. It's going to be an exciting 4 years!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go. Great blog, I could not have said it better myself.
