Saturday, November 27, 2010
And he wants to wait 5 years.....
We babysat Miss E last week. She is so smiley and kicks and kicks and kicks. She's just pure sweetness! Andrew has fallen hard for Miss E. This was evident when I walked into the room and found this:
And he said he wants to wait 5 years....

Life is GOOD!!!!!!! I was just thinking how a year ago, I was a new nurse (I'm still "new", just not as new as some:), working nights, and trying to keep up with Andrew and I's hectic schedule. Those were some dark days (get it- working nights...dark...). Really, they were not fun. I was turning into an old lady working midnights, and Andrew was spent trying to gig all weekend then face 25 2nd graders on Monday. Last winter we made a huge, hard, out of my comfort zone, I don't know what to do, are you sure, GOD? decision: Andrew quit his teaching job, turned down the grade he always wanted to teach, and decided to go full time with the band. Eeeek! Let me tell you, it has been the best decision we've made in our married lives. And I'm on days! Because of our decision to follow God's plan and being blessed with a job on days, we see each other, we sleep in the same bed together, I don't cry as much, he's not as stressed, and most important- our relationship with each other and with God has strengthened. Why is it that when we know God is calling us to do something, our initial reaction is to say no or ask questions when we know deep down that God is the boss, He knows best, and He's always carried through with His plans? The decision wasn't easy and God still hasn't revealed His entire plan, but we rest assured knowing that God hasn't and won't lead us astray.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Let Me Introduce to You....

Miss E! Isn't she just beautiful? This is the first grandchild on both sides of the family, so you know she'll be spoiled. Aunt Kaycee and Uncle Andy have already called dibs on her when a babysitter is needed AND we are the only ones in the family with a swing set (that means she HAS to spend extra time with A.K and U.A!). She definitely has Uncle A wrapped around her precious little finger. ---Quick Story: Andrew and I were walking out of the house after seeing Miss E. I knew he was smitten by her when he said, "Aren't those mittens the cutest things on this planet?" I thought I was going to die laughing!---- I watched her for a few hours the other day, and man can that girl eat! In a 4 or 5 hour span, we had 3 bottles and 2 poopy diapers. Andrew thinks it's good birth control for me ;) Many of my friends are getting babies and I'm trying to keep the baby fever in check. We still have a while, but for now we'll just enjoy playing with our little Miss E! She is sooo precious!
Monday, September 6, 2010
A Poem About My Love For Days.....By Yours Truly
I LOVE DAYS! They are great,
It was nights that I did hate.
No more crying, no more tears,
Now I'm all smiles and cheer.
The End
It was nights that I did hate.
No more crying, no more tears,
Now I'm all smiles and cheer.
The End
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Soooo....my boss e-mailed me today and said I AM OFFICIALLY ON THE DAYS SCHEDULE!!!!!! Yiiippppppeeee!!!!!!!!!! Words cannot express how much this means for us. We've been praying since October (the night after I started working nights) that a position would open up on days. When I didn't think I could take anymore sleepless days, sleepless nights, 30 hour no sleep runs, nights without Andrew, crying, emotional rollar coasters, etc., I went out on a limb and e-mailed my boss reminding her that I STILL wanted to go on nights. And wallah! I'll be starting nights in August. That's like only 13 more shifts, 13 more nights until we no longer have to sleep alone, 13 more and I will finally be on a normal sleep schedule and hopefully these dark circles will disappear! We are a little excited!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Birthday Weekend- Band Wife Style
Red Lobster with Phil and Kaitlyn!!!! Love those two, and will soon love three! :)
Worked on the new house. It's really coming along. I planted lots of flowers to give it the "curb appeal." Not sure how much I improved the look, but at least it has some flowers. It has to look a little better, right? The night was spent at Ma and Pa Schneider's. Matt cooked up some fiiiinnne pork tenderloin on the grill.
My birthday!!!! The day you can do things like eat 5 pieces of cake, or stay in your pj's until 10:00, or stay up late, "because it's my birthday." I LOVE birthdays. I'm also a traditionalist. Every year for my birthday (July 4) we would wake up early, go to the Casey parade, have a swim party, and finish the night with fireworks. This year was WAY different. Andrew had a gig in Springfield, IL at the Capital Building. We were to get there at 8:00 am (meaning alarm went off at 5:45!!!). We made it to Springfield and waited and waited and waited. I ended up reading a book on the Capital Lawn. The gig started at 6:30, so we went shopping and ate Coldstone (Yuuuuuummmy!). The boys played great, it rained, and we went home. On the way home we bought Icee's. I had a large red one- because red is the best, and red is a 4th of July color, and a large was only $.99. It was not my usual 4th of July birthday, but it was spent with my husband and friends. What more could I ask for?

Off to the farm for us. Mom welcomed us home with pork burgers, watermelon, corn and green beans from the garden, macaroni and cheese, red velvet cake, and homemade ice cream. (I'm a little spoiled.) Later, Jars of Clay and NEEDTOBREATHE were playing in the big town of Martinsville, IL. We love Jars of Clay and had to go. Mom, Dad, cousins, aunts, and even Granny Kay and Grandpa made it out. It was a blast, but I had an even better time watching G&G "rocking out" to the show.

Red Lobster with Phil and Kaitlyn!!!! Love those two, and will soon love three! :)
Worked on the new house. It's really coming along. I planted lots of flowers to give it the "curb appeal." Not sure how much I improved the look, but at least it has some flowers. It has to look a little better, right? The night was spent at Ma and Pa Schneider's. Matt cooked up some fiiiinnne pork tenderloin on the grill.
My birthday!!!! The day you can do things like eat 5 pieces of cake, or stay in your pj's until 10:00, or stay up late, "because it's my birthday." I LOVE birthdays. I'm also a traditionalist. Every year for my birthday (July 4) we would wake up early, go to the Casey parade, have a swim party, and finish the night with fireworks. This year was WAY different. Andrew had a gig in Springfield, IL at the Capital Building. We were to get there at 8:00 am (meaning alarm went off at 5:45!!!). We made it to Springfield and waited and waited and waited. I ended up reading a book on the Capital Lawn. The gig started at 6:30, so we went shopping and ate Coldstone (Yuuuuuummmy!). The boys played great, it rained, and we went home. On the way home we bought Icee's. I had a large red one- because red is the best, and red is a 4th of July color, and a large was only $.99. It was not my usual 4th of July birthday, but it was spent with my husband and friends. What more could I ask for?
Monday, June 28, 2010
Blended Floats
After going to see Toy Story 3 tonight (I cried 5 times...really, it was 5) we stopped by Sonic and grabbed some Blended Coke Zero Floats. In case you've never had one, it's ice cream and your favorite bubbly beverage (I call it pop, others may call it soda) blended together. So yummy and brilliant. Andrew's never had one and it was love at first sip. He loved it so much we had to stop by QT and grab a Coke Zero so we could make our own when we got home. This is how you make a Schneider Blended Float:
Step 2: Add your drink of choice. Ours was a $.59 Coke Zero from QT.
Step 3: BLEND!!!!
Step 4: Taste and see if it's "just right."
Ours needed more ice cream.
Step 5: Enjoy every sip with your sweetie!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
My Mama is Awesome Because.....
She makes THE BEST homemade noodles and rolls.
She can sew anything in an emergency, including bridesmaid dresses, costumes, pants, and various other articles of clothing.
She keeps a clean house at all times.
She has a green thumb.
She supported me when I was in piano, softball, music contests, band, flags, tumbling, dance, pageant, cheerleading, volleyball, girl scouts, nursing, clubs, musicals, etc., etc., etc.
She taught me how to cook.
She listens to me rant and rave about work.
She is beautiful.
I get her hazel eyes from her.
She is an amazing example of a godly wife and mother.
She will tell me the truth.
She inspired me to become a nurse.
She is selfless.
She is the best mom ever.
Her birthday was Monday.
Happy Birthday Mama!
She can sew anything in an emergency, including bridesmaid dresses, costumes, pants, and various other articles of clothing.
She keeps a clean house at all times.
She has a green thumb.
She supported me when I was in piano, softball, music contests, band, flags, tumbling, dance, pageant, cheerleading, volleyball, girl scouts, nursing, clubs, musicals, etc., etc., etc.
She taught me how to cook.
She listens to me rant and rave about work.
She is beautiful.
I get her hazel eyes from her.
She is an amazing example of a godly wife and mother.
She will tell me the truth.
She inspired me to become a nurse.
She is selfless.
She is the best mom ever.
Her birthday was Monday.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
To My Husband.....
This past year we have gotten married, bought 2 houses, sold one house, started our jobs, traveled around, started nights, started crying, wrecked a car, committed to the band, lost a job, gained it back, didn't have a fight, didn't gain weight, didn't have a kid. You supported me through each new challenge, and encouraged me when I didn't think I could do it anymore. You let me cry on your shoulder, and sang the Oompa Loompa song to cheer me up. You waited patiently when I took forever to get ready, and were patient when I couldn't make up my mind. You encouraged me to stay healthy, and told me if the chicken dinner was really a winner. You were kind, generous, thoughtful, and gentle. You made me proud. You made me happy each and every day. I can't imagine there ever being a time I didn't know you. God put us together for great reasons. Some he has revealed, and others we have yet to see. I love you so much and thank you for being an amazing husband. Happy Anniversary!
Happy Father's Day Papa!

To the man who carried me on his shoulders till I was 8 when I was tired of walking the trail,
To the man who shared a perm with me,
To the man who I have always had wrapped around my finger,
To the man who calls me Ma,
To the man I get my legs from,
To the man I also get my chubby cheeks from,
To the man who always provided for my needs,
To the man who bought me a life size Doodle Bear on Christmas Eve,
To the man who shares my love of chocolate chips,
To the man who is the best father I could ask for.....
Happy Father's Day!
I Love You!
To the man who shared a perm with me,
To the man who I have always had wrapped around my finger,
To the man who calls me Ma,
To the man I get my legs from,
To the man I also get my chubby cheeks from,
To the man who always provided for my needs,
To the man who bought me a life size Doodle Bear on Christmas Eve,
To the man who shares my love of chocolate chips,
To the man who is the best father I could ask for.....
Happy Father's Day!
I Love You!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Life of a Band Wife
Life of a band wife is not fun right now. Andrew is in Nashville writing songs and meeting with labels for a week while I stay at home. Boo! No fun! BUT- I'm so very excited to see what is to come out of this weekend!
Miss my boo...
That the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 1:7
That the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
1 Peter 1:7
Brushcreek 2010
This past week Andrew and I went to my old church camp. The one that is in the middle of nowhere in southern Illinois. The one I've been going to for about 15 years now (give and take a few). The one that I was saved at. The one that is AWESOME. We had fun and lots of kids were saved!
We Bought Another House. Ahhh!!!!
Wedding Tour 2010!!
Weddings! I love them. Good thing, because we have 8 this year. Yes, 8!!!! That's a lot. We have four down and they were all gorgeous. Here's a few pics:
Wedding #1- Mr. and Mrs. Fischer (My big bro). I bawled. Not like a few tears bawl. More like, my Kleenex is now in a little soggy ball, someone please give me another before the snot gets too bad type of bawl. My Grandpa was sure to point in out. It was a beautiful wedding :)

Andrew just LOVES weddings ;)
My Family! Love them, love them, love them!
Happy Marriage to the happy couple!
Wedding #1- Mr. and Mrs. Fischer (My big bro). I bawled. Not like a few tears bawl. More like, my Kleenex is now in a little soggy ball, someone please give me another before the snot gets too bad type of bawl. My Grandpa was sure to point in out. It was a beautiful wedding :)

Wedding #2: Mr. and Mrs. Mathewson- Another nursing girl got married! Nicole was my riding buddy to and from clinicals during school. We both share the love of food and the love of God. Awesome girl and awesome couple.

My super cute flowers. She got them from Canada. Very cool.
Like I said- Andrew is just giggling with excitement over all these weddings...
Wedding #3: Mr. and Mrs. VerDught. Andrew's old roomie. This wedding was number two on our Super Wedding Weekend. We had the Mathewson wedding in Peoria, then hopped over to Iowa for the VerDught's. Lots of driving, but well worth it!

4 weddings down (congrats to Ellie too!), one wedding missed, and only 3 more to go! Woot Woot!
4 weddings down (congrats to Ellie too!), one wedding missed, and only 3 more to go! Woot Woot!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Agape = Love
Agape was great this year! The guys were awesome, the crowd was awesome, and I got a little bit of a tan! Since TGR played on the main stage, we had backstage passes and ate, met, and saw other artists such as Skillet, Family Force Five, Stephanie Smith, and more. I can now say I've shaken John Cooper's (lead from Skillet) hand. I also won "Best Cousin Award 2010." My cousin Jordan came to the concert with us and we were able to get him a back stage pass as well. I think he had a great time. I can't wait until next year!
Date Night!
Between gigs, work, and other activities, Andrew and I have had very little "us" time. We have been due for a date night for a long time. We hadn't had a weekend off together at home since January, and even then we weren't sure. Andrew had a radio interview at 10:30, so we decided to make it a date night and go to Gian-Tony's. Oh how I love Gian-Tony's. I do believe I'm half Italian. I LOVE fettuccine alfredo. It does not love me, but everything in moderation, right? Our date night was wonderful and the time together only reminded us how much we not only love each other, but LIKE each other.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Working Girl
No, I have not fallen off the face of the earth. I've just been scheduled to work 5- 12 hour shifts in the next 6 days. They wanted me to pick up an extra shift last night, but I thought THAT MIGHT JUST KILL ME!!!! So this will be my life until next Thursday:
65 hours here at St. Clare...
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
The Life of a Band Wife
It's pretty much official- we're going full time! I have learned when God calls you to do something, you hop up, say ok, get your big girl pants on, and get ready for a ride. Too bad it's not always so easy. I tend to stand up like I'm 90, a little unsteady, say, "well give me a little bit to think this over," and tell God to hold on while I try to decide which big girl pants I want to wear. And the ride doesn't always promise to be comfortable. Some days may be like riding in a stretch Hummer limo, while most other days may seem more like I'm a passenger in a 1970 Chrysler Station Wagon- with no a/c. Thank goodness I serve a gracious and patient God who has laid a burden on our hearts to go full time with the band. Thank goodness I serve a God who shouted and made His voice clear, telling us to trust Him and let Him have the reigns. And thank goodness I serve a God who has an amazing plan for us that we can only dream of.
Before we were married, we sat down and discussed the "what if's" in life. What if.... the band went full time? We both agreed we would be willing to sacrifice whatever, if God called us in that direction. Well, here we are! We've been feeling the itch for about six months now. It seemed as though every sermon, bible study, and devotion was screaming "follow Me," "have faith in Me," "trust Me," "step out of your comfort zone," "I have a purpose for you. Just trust." You get the picture. Andrew and I would even be at different churches and hear the same sermon, telling us to let go of our plans and seek God's instead. So we prayed. And prayed. And prayed. Then Andy got word that he may lose his job. So we prayed some more. One day we realized we weren't praying for Andy to keep his job like we would have normally (who wants to lose a steady job?!). We didn't even think about praying for him to keep his job. Instead we prayed for direction. Well, Andy lost his job along with 59 other Edwardsville school employees. We have peace because we know God has a different direction for us. We're opening all doors. We haven't given up on teaching. Andy has applied at various other schools, but we know God will close the doors and leave one for us to enter.
So there it is. The beginning of our journey down a little narrower path. It's going to be busy, we will probably be seeing each other even less, and I may not be able to get my QT cappuccino for my drive home every morning. These are all earthly things and in the end will be worth the sacrifice.
"Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you." Psalm 9:10

Before we were married, we sat down and discussed the "what if's" in life. What if.... the band went full time? We both agreed we would be willing to sacrifice whatever, if God called us in that direction. Well, here we are! We've been feeling the itch for about six months now. It seemed as though every sermon, bible study, and devotion was screaming "follow Me," "have faith in Me," "trust Me," "step out of your comfort zone," "I have a purpose for you. Just trust." You get the picture. Andrew and I would even be at different churches and hear the same sermon, telling us to let go of our plans and seek God's instead. So we prayed. And prayed. And prayed. Then Andy got word that he may lose his job. So we prayed some more. One day we realized we weren't praying for Andy to keep his job like we would have normally (who wants to lose a steady job?!). We didn't even think about praying for him to keep his job. Instead we prayed for direction. Well, Andy lost his job along with 59 other Edwardsville school employees. We have peace because we know God has a different direction for us. We're opening all doors. We haven't given up on teaching. Andy has applied at various other schools, but we know God will close the doors and leave one for us to enter.
So there it is. The beginning of our journey down a little narrower path. It's going to be busy, we will probably be seeing each other even less, and I may not be able to get my QT cappuccino for my drive home every morning. These are all earthly things and in the end will be worth the sacrifice.
"Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you." Psalm 9:10

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