Before we were married, we sat down and discussed the "what if's" in life. What if.... the band went full time? We both agreed we would be willing to sacrifice whatever, if God called us in that direction. Well, here we are! We've been feeling the itch for about six months now. It seemed as though every sermon, bible study, and devotion was screaming "follow Me," "have faith in Me," "trust Me," "step out of your comfort zone," "I have a purpose for you. Just trust." You get the picture. Andrew and I would even be at different churches and hear the same sermon, telling us to let go of our plans and seek God's instead. So we prayed. And prayed. And prayed. Then Andy got word that he may lose his job. So we prayed some more. One day we realized we weren't praying for Andy to keep his job like we would have normally (who wants to lose a steady job?!). We didn't even think about praying for him to keep his job. Instead we prayed for direction. Well, Andy lost his job along with 59 other Edwardsville school employees. We have peace because we know God has a different direction for us. We're opening all doors. We haven't given up on teaching. Andy has applied at various other schools, but we know God will close the doors and leave one for us to enter.
So there it is. The beginning of our journey down a little narrower path. It's going to be busy, we will probably be seeing each other even less, and I may not be able to get my QT cappuccino for my drive home every morning. These are all earthly things and in the end will be worth the sacrifice.
"Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you." Psalm 9:10

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