Monday, March 28, 2011

South Dakota Gig- Day Three Continued

Day 3 continues to be fun. Geoff has finally made it in!!!! After a talent show, some good grub, and listening to the speaker, the kids were finally ready for the TGR concert. Because we only had 3/4 of our band members, we weren't sure what was going to happen. God is so faithful. The concert was a blast. I've never seen kids as energetic as these. They even did a kick line to "Hosanna." Haha!

When the concert was done, the boys signed autographs. As I was selling merch, a kid comes up to me and says, "You look like you never sign any autographs. Would you sign my arm?" It totally made my year! I never get to sign autographs. All together, I signed a second arm, 2 pictures, and a drum stick. Well worth the 1600 mile trip.

After the concert, the boys were hungry for ice cream. One would think Pierre would be a larger town since it's the state capital. Not the case. The only ice cream shop opened at 10:30 pm is Walmart- And that's where we headed. Because my husband is so money savvy (aka cheap), we bought a 1/2 gallon of birthday ice cream because it was only $.50 more than the small size. His plan was to eat half of it tonight and eat the rest the next morning. Well, he ate half of it, but ended up giving it to some kids and they ate the rest.

We're having a lot of fun, but can't wait to be home tomorrow!

Here are some more pictures from our day:

Some major head banging.

"Hosanna" kick line.

The kid whose arm I signed.

Andrew eating his 1/2 gallon of ice cream.
We totaled the calorie intake at around 800.

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