Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Aunt Lori's Chocolate Chip Cookies- The GF Version

Andrew is on the road for another week, so what is a girl supposed to do with her time?  Make a GF version of her favorite chocolate chip cookie and eat the whole batch since no one else is home, of course!  I love my Aunt Lori's chocolate chip cookies made with pudding.  They are cakey, moist, and great for dunking into milk.....all components a GF cookie usually lacks.  I thought I would try my hand at making a GF version.  Let me tell you.......I don't know if it's because I haven't had a real chocolate chip cookie in 5 months or what, but I better take a second Prilosec for the heartburn.  These treasures are pretty close to the real deal.  (Insert yum yum moaning here)

Aunt Lori's Chocolate Chip Cookies 
(GF Version)

2 1/4 c. Gluten Free Flour Mix
3/4 tsp. Xanthan Gum
1 tsp.    Baking Soda
1 c.       Butter (Softened)
1/2 c.    White Sugar
1/2 c.    Brown Sugar
1 tsp.    Vanilla
2           Eggs
1 small box Sugar Free Vanilla Pudding Mix
2 c.      Chocolate Chips

Combine dry ingredients into small bowl.  Set aside.  Beat butter and sugars.  Add vanilla and pudding.  Beat until smooth.  Add eggs until well combined.  Gradually add flour mixture.  Stir in chocolate chip cookies.  Bake at 325 for 8-10 minutes until slightly golden brown.  Devour with milk.