15. If you decide to rearrange the kitchen cabinets, let your husband know where each item was moved to, especially the cereal bowls. He'll be lost forever if you don't.
14. Tell your husband how much you appreciate them.
13. Marriage doesn't become a dream come true on its own, you must work at it.
12. Husbands appreciate the little things, even if it's organizing their underwear drawer.
11. Tell your husband EVERYTHING you bought when you went shopping. He'll figure out you bought more than tennis shoes when you also come out wearing a new pair of jeans.
10. Make every night a date night, even if it's eating cereal on the couch.
9. Husbands make the best foot warmers. God also gave them two hands for a reason- to give foot massages.
8. Your husband will tell you what's wrong on his own time. Just let him know you'll be there to listen when he feels like sharing.
7. Your husband will not know his hair clippings on the bathroom sink bother you unless you tell him.
6. Praying together every night does something special to your marriage.
5. If your husband tells you the supper you make looks like a muffin and tastes like a hot dog, but is ok, he really means, "please don't make this thing you call meatloaf ever again."
4. Husbands aren't perfect.
3. Husbands can't read minds. Communication is key.
2. When your husband says you look sexy in fleece Christmas tree pj pants, you know you have a keeper.
1. Keep God number one.