One day while I was doing TONS of laundry, I decided to make cookies! Now I LOVE cookies, but I love cookie dough even more. Make it double chocolate chip oatmeal cookie and I'm in heaven. Here is how it all went down:

Beat 1/2 cup (1 stick) softened butter/margarine and sugar until fluffy....do not start tasting the dough yet. Not good tasting.

Melt 1 cup chocolate chips in a bowl in the microwave for 15 seconds at a time. Don't get in a rush and set the microwave longer. You will get burnt chocolate chips and that would just be a waste of perfectly good chocolate, now wouldn't it?!

Look at that chocolate licking potential!

Yum Yum!

Don't forget to wash your finger off after licking. We don't want to share germs!

Add 1 egg and 1/4 tsp vanilla

Add combined: 3/4 c. flour, 3/4 c. oats, 1 tsp baking powder, 1/4 tsp baking soda, and 1/4 tsp salt. Stir in 1 cup chocolate chips.

Don't forget to taste! VERY IMPORTANT!!!!

Look at that beater. If you would like, you can share a beater with a friend, or you can eat both yourself. Don't forget to check your face before going into public. Licking beaters can get messy!

Everyone should have this book. Period.

Bake in an oven that has been preheated at 375 F for 8-10 minutes.


Cool for a minute (or as long as you can stand it) and indulge!!!!!!!!!!
And don't forget to lick the chocolate off your fingers!